Art Pepper Quartet - Stompin' at the Savoy
I wish you a fine saturday evening. This lovely quartet is my dinner choice along the Mekong!
Pete Jolly Trio - Someday My Prince Will Come
Joe Dassin / L été Indien / ©vertaling Roland de Smet
Het Noord Thaise regenseizoen begint een maand eerder en duurt een maand langer dan de Europese zomer. De regentijd brengt niet alleen stormende nattigheid en windloze benauwde luchten, maar ook knisperende heldere dagen.
Nongkhai 19 09 2014 herzien 29 01 2017
Brel / La Foire / ©vertaling Roland de Smet
In het midden van de Gentse studenten wijk, stond de jaarlijkse kermis, die wij de Foor van Sint Pieters noemden. Als tiener dwaalde ik er, verwonderd over zulk ruig gedonder, gegrepen door de ruwheid van de kermisknechten en de sluwheid van de lokkende deernen. De klandizie behoorde tot wat mijn moeder “speciaal volk” noemde. Op school noemden wij het werkvolk van de kermis “foorkramers”. Een medeleerling vroeg zich af waar dat volk toch vandaan kwam, of ze misschien meegekomen waren met de zigeuners uit Het Oosten.
Traditionele houtbouw photo©tGENTeneeRke Roland de Smet
video Horace SILVER "The Tokyo blues" (1962)
#3 from the album "The Tokyo Blues". Horace Silver (pno), Blue Mitchell (tpt), Junior Cook (T sax), Gene Taylor (db), John Harris, JR. (dr).
Border insecurity mounts as tourist visa abuse is targeted | Bangkok Post: news
Border insecurity mounts as tourist visa abuse is targeted | Bangkok Post: news
Breakfast for the abbot ©photo Roland de Smet
Onderweg naar de tempel photo©Roland de Smet
Makha Bucha Day 2014 (Pali language= to honor)(20), a photo by tGENTeneeRke along the Mekong river on Flickr.
Ritueel bad photo©Roland de Smet
Makha Bucha Day 2014 (Pali language= to honor)(19), a photo by tGENTeneeRke along the Mekong river on Flickr.
Bloemen meisje photo©Roland de Smet
Makha Bucha Day 2014 (Pali language= to honor)(17), a photo by tGENTeneeRke along the Mekong river on Flickr.
Makha Bucha Day 2014 (Pali language= to honor)(16)
Makha Bucha Day 2014 (Pali language= to honor)(16), a photo by tGENTeneeRke along the Mekong river on Flickr.
The enthusiastic drummer!
Makha Bucha Day 2014 (Pali language= to honor)(15)
Makha Bucha Day 2014 (Pali language= to honor)(15), a photo by tGENTeneeRke along the Mekong river on Flickr.
Ritual hand washing! In Hebrew ritus Netilat Yadayim. In the Latin ritus it is a part of the Offertorium: Lavabo manus meas inter innocentes.
Makha Bucha Day 2014 (Pali language= to honor)(14)
Makha Bucha Day 2014 (Pali language= to honor)(14), a photo by tGENTeneeRke along the Mekong river on Flickr.
Detail from a Buddhist life!
The Two Gallivants: The Government Bus from Bangkok to Siem Reap - onl...
Makha Bucha Day 2014 (Pali language= to honor)(13)
Makha Bucha Day 2014 (Pali language= to honor)(13), a photo by tGENTeneeRke along the Mekong river on Flickr.
No graduation without flowers!
Makha Bucha Day 2014 (Pali language= to honor)(12)
Makha Bucha Day 2014 (Pali language= to honor)(12), a photo by tGENTeneeRke along the Mekong river on Flickr.
Underway with Thai and Lao flags!
Makha Bucha Day 2014 (Pali language= to honor)(11)
Makha Bucha Day 2014 (Pali language= to honor)(11), a photo by tGENTeneeRke along the Mekong river on Flickr.
This Mekong Marine policeman is (via the south gate from temple Wat Luang) underway to his work before the start of the ceremony!
Makha Bucha Day 2014 (Pali language= to honor)(10)
Makha Bucha Day 2014 (Pali language= to honor)(10), a photo by tGENTeneeRke along the Mekong river on Flickr.
A graduation ceremony needs flowers!
Makha Bucha Day 2014 (Pali language= to honor)(8)
Makha Bucha Day 2014 (Pali language= to honor)(8), a photo by tGENTeneeRke along the Mekong river on Flickr.
Waiting for the round of prayers!
Makha Bucha Day 2014 (Pali language= to honor)(7)
Makha Bucha Day 2014 (Pali language= to honor)(7), a photo by tGENTeneeRke along the Mekong river on Flickr.
A special moment during the walk around the Ordination Chapel.
Makha Bucha Day 2014 (Pali language= to honor)(6)
Makha Bucha Day 2014 (Pali language= to honor)(6), a photo by tGENTeneeRke along the Mekong river on Flickr.
Wake up call with temple drums to participate in the ritual bathing!
Makha Bucha Day 2014 (Pali language= to honor)(5)
Makha Bucha Day 2014 (Pali language= to honor)(5), a photo by tGENTeneeRke along the Mekong river on Flickr.
The graduation ceremony starts with 3 clockwise circular walks around the Ordination Hal. On the right side the water ton for the ritual bathing.
Makha Bucha Day 2014 (Pali language= to honor)(4)
Makha Bucha Day 2014 (Pali language= to honor)(4), a photo by tGENTeneeRke along the Mekong river on Flickr.
Temple photographer waiting for the start of the ceremony!
Makha Bucha Day 2014 (Pali language= to honor)(3)
Makha Bucha Day 2014 (Pali language= to honor)(3), a photo by tGENTeneeRke along the Mekong river on Flickr.
Proud Buddhist family in temple Baan Soem!
Makha Bucha Day 2014 (Pali language= to honor)(2)
Makha Bucha Day 2014 (Pali language= to honor)(2), a photo by tGENTeneeRke along the Mekong river on Flickr.
Catering in temple Wat Jomnang is ready!
Makha Bucha Day 2014 (Pali language=to honor)
Makha Bucha Day 2014 (Pali language=to honor), a photo by tGENTeneeRke along the Mekong river on Flickr.
Makha Bucha, an important religious celebration in the Buddhist calendar, falls on the full moon day of the third lunar month, this year on 14 February.(Yes this year on Valentine!)
The religious holiday is designated a public holiday in most Mekong Region countries such as Thailand, Myanmar, Laos and Cambodia.
Nation-wide Buddhists attend ceremonies that venerate the Lord Buddha and his teachings. It involves visits to temples to perform merit-making activities in the morning, and in the evening, people join candlelight processions around temple ordination chapels, three times in a clockwise direction.Yellow is the favorite color of the day.
Birth of a Nagga(=mythological Mekong snake) (13)
Birth of a Nagga(=mythological Mekong snake) (13), a photo by tGENTeneeRke along the Mekong river on Flickr.
Quality control in early morning light!
Birth of a Nagga(=mythological Mekong snake) (12)
Birth of a Nagga(=mythological Mekong snake) (12), a photo by tGENTeneeRke along the Mekong river on Flickr.
Nagga engineer studies where to put the extra (third fourth and fifth) eyes!
Birth of a Nagga(=mythological Mekong snake) (11)
Birth of a Nagga(=mythological Mekong snake) (11), a photo by tGENTeneeRke along the Mekong river on Flickr.
Composition for 4 hands!
Birth of a Nagga(=mythological Mekong snake) (10)
Birth of a Nagga(=mythological Mekong snake) (10), a photo by tGENTeneeRke along the Mekong river on Flickr.
After the inspection by the abbot!
Birth of a Nagga(=mythological Mekong snake) (9)
Birth of a Nagga(=mythological Mekong snake) (9), a photo by tGENTeneeRke along the Mekong river on Flickr.
Detail from the tail!
Birth of a Nagga(=mythological Mekong snake) (8)
Birth of a Nagga(=mythological Mekong snake) (8), a photo by tGENTeneeRke along the Mekong river on Flickr.
Breakfast for the Nagga workers!
Birth of a Nagga in august 2013(=mythological Mekong snake) (7)
Birth of a Nagga in august 2013(=mythological Mekong snake) (7), a photo by tGENTeneeRke along the Mekong river on Flickr.
Pedestal for a Nagga (7)
Birth of a Nagga(=mythological Mekong snake) (5)
Birth of a Nagga(=mythological Mekong snake) (5), a photo by tGENTeneeRke along the Mekong river on Flickr.
Preparing the scales!
Birth of a Nagga(=mythological Mekong snake) (4)
Birth of a Nagga(=mythological Mekong snake) (4), a photo by tGENTeneeRke along the Mekong river on Flickr.
Skin creation!